Spring has Sprung Summer’s got it on the run and thoughts from Locksley Hall




Hello, Hello. Here we are more than halfway through spring with summer just around the corner a favorite time of the year for many including me. Before we have to say goodbye to Spring, I had the chance to reflect and was reminded of a fairly well known line from a poem written in 1835 by Alfred Tennyson titled;  LOCKESLEY HALL.  Maybe you will recognize it. The line in question reads; “In the Spring, a young man’s fancy turns to thoughts of love.”


It’s my hope this applies to all young men (and old men alike) this Spring. A clue to turning that poetic line of “fancy” from a mere fantasy to a reality is found in the title; LOCKSLEY HALL, in particularly, the first syllable; LOCKS.  Yes, as in locks of hair.


Now is the time to take advantage of Hair Necessities Spring savings sprung from their overstock of hair systems. Mary just finished up with a sale on the Chairmen 2.0  so you’ve missed that, but no worries, because it was a great success and because you guys are such loyal customers, she is ready to do it again on another stock model but before that watch your email for a sale coming VERY soon that will include everything in the store!! Unfortunately, the sale won’t last long so act quickly.  


After you finish here, I highly recommend you click on over and put in your order for one (or two) before your model and color are gone and don’t forget to stock up on supplies as well.   www.hair-necessities.com  

Besides, you want to be confident and look your best for that person who makes your heart leap, this Spring, right? Yeah, me too.


By-the-way, Mary is kicking around a great idea that will save you a lot of money but probably won’t implement it unless she gets enough positive feedback from you guys.


Here are some facts first:

  1. you are loyal customers,
  2. you know you look great, feel more confident, and good about yourself, and,
  3. you know you have to order again to maintain it all.


Mary is considering offering her loyal customers an automatic re-order and shipment service. You would sign up, and based on how long your hair system lasts, a new one would arrive at your doorstep just in time. No worries, no hassles, no missed sales, no chance of delays and having to resort to wearing ball caps again. I mean, if you’re like me, you gotta have it anyway. Makes sense right?  Plus it will allow Mary to be sure that your preferred color and model and ready when you are!


If she gets enough positive feedback, she can anticipate a  larger and more accurate order and thus pass on some of the savings to you guys.  It’s a win-win situation. I’m in, so I hope she does it. Please contact her with your feedback. mary@hair-necessities.com, support@hair-necessities.com or send a text to: 612-423-7483!


Meanwhile, thanks for reading my rants. Look for my next blog from beautiful ocean front, Morehead City, North Carolina. Yup, Morehead, the official home of the Bald-headed Men of America. This should be fun. LOL  Cheers.
